Hungarian 40yo travelled between carriages at 282 km/h speed, holding on only to cables
Of course, the dangerous event did not happen in Hungary because, in our country,...
Of course, the dangerous event did not happen in Hungary because, in our country,...
2024 broke all previous records in the history of Budapest Airport; 17.6 million passengers...
Karácsony will submit a proposal to the municipal assembly for an upgrade involving European...
Ryanair plans to reduce capacities by 18% in 12 routes this summer compared to...
Swiss rolling stock maker Stadler inaugurated a capacity expansion at its base in Szolnok...
In an ultimatum before the start of the invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin...
It has become the first to observe the birth of memories in living animals...
Ferenc Pál Bíró, the head of Hungary’s Integrity Authority, on Friday said allegations of...
A Belső-Erzsébetváros nagy részét elfoglaló, palánkkal körülvett területre mintegy 70 ezer zsidó embert zsúfoltak...
An international arrest warrant has been issued for Tiganciuc Serghei, a Moldovan citizen suspected...